If you are ready to take charge of your time and get the most out of it, you are definitely in the right place!
Mid-Month Marketing Magic Hour Special Guest: Perry Marshall goes into great detail about how to quickly make 80/20 part of your daily skill set.
At 10:38 you’ll discover Perry’s ah-ha moment that allowed him to begin to apply 80/20 to his business and life…
At 15:02 Perry reveals the secret Richard Koch told him about “choosing a market” and how to quickly become the #1 player – if you ignore this advice… you are already dead in the water. THIS is the 80/20 about where and how to plant yourself successfully in a market.
At 26:18 Perry reveals the most valuable thing entrepreneurs can do on a daily basis (it’s not what you think and once you hear it, it will change your business AND YOUR LIFE for the better, almost instantly)…
At 33:34 Perry shows you how to “Climb the Power Curve” and discover how to build EXTREME leverage by digging out the 80/20 INSIDE of each 80/20. (It’s deep but very doable)
As always, enjoy the value Mid-Month Marketing Magic Hour delivers and be sure to leave us a comment below.
Cast of Characters: Andy Thompson, Moderator… Daniel Levis, Host… Perry Marshall, Special Guest and one of the world’s most expensive and sought-after marketing consultants…. plus Groovy Music by Dr. Joe Vitale
Fantastic podcast!! Thanks!
Glad you enjoyed it, Andres! Perry is awesome.