You can never have enough leads in business.
But it’s not just about quantity, it’s also about quality. Here’s one of the best ways to generate pre-qualified, pre-sold leads for virtually any product, service, or program you can imagine.
Pay close attention to the 3-act storyline framework I give you in this video. Tell me what you think in the comments box below.
And if you’d like some personalized help brainstorming a killer lead generation magnet for your business…
…Why not watch the video and then book a free strategy session with one of our certified coaches?
Genius. Great presentation too. I totally see the value of that; you are building a list of buyers and pre-selling.
I will add, some people have turned me off with a free book by having multiple upsells after entering the CC… even though i like the free book i stay away from that particular person.
But the way you are teaching it makes a ton of sense… Awesome title tips as well.
Thanks Andy. Glad you enjoyed it!
Hi, do you have a transcript? I am old school, still prefer to read. Much faster….
No transcript, Christine. It’s just 9 minutes and much of the content is visual.
Great presentation, Daniel.
Love this idea! My goal is to draw adults in to self-defense courses. Working title(s): a. Simple, Sensible Self-Defense b. Simple Self-Defense for Sensible People c. S.M.A.R.T. Self- Defense: Simple Moves for Sensible People
PS Forgot to add just bought your booklet on Amazon!
Lots of alliteration, Mark. Needs a sub-heading to dial in your point of difference. Simple, Sensible Self-Defence — How to __________,
I really enjoyed this. I know you have your free report on the side, but wouldn’t it just rock to have a link here to sell us the book about writing the book, or at least to an infographic or one pager summarizing this information?
Anyway, how’s this for a title: Manning Up: An easy to follow Guide to Get You Back in the Relationship Game.
I forgot the objective: It’s to provide an entrance pathway into a course to help mature guys forge long-lasting relationships, and ultimately to get a percentage into higher end personal coaching.
Without seeing the book, I would say it’s a decent title, David. Of course, the topic lends itself to something more provocative, which may or may not fit well with you and your target market.
Hi Daniel
Awesome information for a lead magnet, Thanks for sharing
Thank You
Rick Burdo
I really like this idea as one type of lead gen magnet that can really make your audience take you more seriously than an ebook.
The way you explain how to it works makes me want to buy your book so I can see more how to create one myself too. 🙂
Also, I like how you seem to have made this video with just one take or a few takes and in what looks like a home office and with no fancy production. Just you talking and giving us good info.
I often get too concerned with making sure that the video looks right and I think you focused on what is important which is the quality of the information you share.
One additional thing. I do wish their was a seek bar under your video so that I could go back a ways when I need to. I took some notes but every once in a while I would have liked to return to previous part of the video.
Thanks for the feedback, Rodney. We find people watch the videos more when the scroll bar is removed. Not sure why that is, it’s just a fact. I’ll ask support to put the scroll bar on for you. 😉
Thank you, I went back a couple of times. :- )
Daniel, you articulate like no other. Your wisdom and marketing savvy oozes abundantly and a bloke would have to be stone dead stupid, not to cock his head and tune the shell pinks, into your message and learn. I enjoy copping an earful, of your dulcet tones and am always entertained and engaged by your writing. You are by nature, an inspiration to anyone, serious about learning the marketing and copywriting caper. I may just, grab a crayon out of the bottom drawer and see what transpires on the page. I don’t want to appear openly greedy, by saying, ‘keep the nuggets of knowledge coming’. But hell, man, it is difficult, not to. Suffice to say, that this particular occupant of planet earth, is engaged and motivated by virtue of your skill set. Thanks, cobber. Keep grinnin’.
Glad you enjoyed the post, Tony.
Great job Daniel …Thank you! I’m not planning to write a book, but thought your email concepts will help in my business.
… and just went to Amazon and purchased your book.
Awesome Hank, I hope you enjoy it!
Great video, thank you. Please describe, if you will, how the appendix portion of this formula would be used if the product is a high-end physical product.
Well that’s hard to say without knowing what the product is, but you might try giving more detailed descriptions of how the product overcomes the complication. Go into more depth than you do in the third act of the booklet. Do a high-level in the third act and give them a link to buy or inquire. Then in the APPENDIX, go into more detail on the mechanisms of the device.
Thanks so much!
Great stuff and as I launch forth with a revolutional Emotional Coaching Programmes for carers I can see the value in what you are showing – create space here I come for a booklet creation. Would this work as a teaser to generate leads for the Franchise that is just in first phase of marketing? Am curious on how to become an amazon best seller as I have other books that I need to sell!
Hello Sylvia, this is a great strategy for selling pretty much anything of substance. Make sure you join us for the training on Wednesday about taking your books to bestseller. Watch your in-box tomorrow for the registration link.
UN grand bonjour…..Merci…….
Your awesome Daniel! Thanks for sharing all you know. Am new to your blog and your wisdom, I have to say I wished I had found you sooner. Thats the thing about our industry, there is no “tv guide” so to speak to look up new ‘channels” . But now am in the know.
I look forward to learning from you and thanks again.
Great to have you on board, Kent!
Would this work for selling insurance?
Hey, Daniel,
Live the book and love the video.
In your Email Alchemy Elite offering, how much in there is related to lead generation magnet templates?
Hey Graeme,
There is extensive training and proven templates about lead gen magnets in the member’s area. The LGM is one of the most crucial (and most overlooked) success elements for any profitable campaign.
Hey Daniel .This guide to booklet writing is unique and engaging.
I have been preparing a booklet for quite some time . With your hints, I will now progress. Thanks.
I created a paid booklet to sell The Drop Deadly Body-Fat System. The DDBF system melts-away 24 pounds (11 kilograms) or more of your excess body-fat during every 4-week cycle … or, your program is free! The paid booklet is a case study of a success story. The title of the booklet is, ‘Alabama Woman Lost 79 Pounds In 63 Days!’ The subtitle is, ‘Without “Living In The Gym.”‘
Wow! Robert Collier! I’m friends with his granddaughter, used to be in a networking group with her. Small world
Enjoyed your content & look forward to reading your book. My potential title and subtitle could be…
Poof! The Mystery and Stress of Hiring…Gone!
How to Consistently Hire Top Performers Using a Time-Tested, Proven Science or …
Poof! The Mystery and Stress of Hiring…Gone!
How to Eliminate the Costly, Frustrating Guesswork of Hiring & Replace it With Certainty or
How to Eliminate the Costly, Frustrating Guesswork of Hiring Using a Time-Tested, Proven Science.
Suggestions appreciated.
Your present Blog site style is wonderful too! Will always be awesome to learn exactly where I could get that.